Thursday 28 February 2013

N 年的回忆

During our youth days, 5 of us went on a short mission trip, visiting a few churches and para organization in Selangor and Perak. The people whom we visited were blessed and needless to mention that it left a long lasting impact in our walk in Christ. 3 of ended up serving the Lord full-time and the other 2 were faithful members in the church.

Years later, when I was looking for a school for Victor, I remembered a wonderful place we stopped by during the meaningful trip. The place that left a great impact on my memory is Bethany Home. The application for Victor to study in Bethany Home was successful and he has been there for the last 9 years.
Little do I know that this mission trip during my young and adventurous days has brought lasting memories, strength to my faith and connected my family to a wonderful place for Victor. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday 5 February 2013



今早的出殡仪式设定在10点,所以说好930分就开始聚合。昨晚也跟诗琴与莉珊约好9点在教会会面然后一起过去吉英姐妹的家。昨晚在追思礼,触动心情的时刻很多,回到家后,迟迟都不能入睡。经验谈,明天大可能会有身体不适的状况出现。通常在6点多,Andrew Vincent 起身时,我都醒过来。但是昨晚,不敢轻心,自己调好8点的闹钟避免有误。


我一直在想,为何没听到Andrew Vincent起床、出门的声音?为何8点钟的闹钟响我一点感觉都没有?不会是没响吧!自己能沉睡到这么“聋”的情况实在是少之又少。


Photo by: Christie Kok @ New Zealand