Tuesday 23 October 2012



以上的提示来自Dr Frank Macchia
"In politics, I love a good intellectual debate on the issues, especially if it focuses insightfully on their historical background and global setting. I covet especially a focus on consequences for those who have suffered most from the inequities of our institutions and policies. I hate a debate that focuses on tarnishing the other's image. It insults my intelligence and wastes my time. I have better things to do." 23.10.2012

Saturday 6 October 2012


I was in the land (1997) when Bibi was the 14th Prime Minister. And now he is the Prime Minister again ... and i am going there again, this time to Mount Carmel School of Ministry ... rejoice! (September 25, 2012)

Today our worship leader wanted to sing a song from our long produced Chinese album – 祝福 (Blessings). I took out the album and listened to those songs again. I was in love with the voices and the lyrics ministered to me afresh.
I told Andrew that, I was pregnant with him when I did the recording of this album.

Then a thought came to me, I am to tell my dear friend that these songs are going to put colors into her season of life again, our voices are going to heard again. I have decided to use some of the songs for my coming “十架苦路” (Via Dolorosa) project…I am getting excited!

As I put back the CD into the casing, I realized that this album was produced in 1997!! Kairos. (October 5, 2012)

Thursday 4 October 2012





回想起拍照的旅程,已有二十多年了。去年,我心血来潮,买了一台智能手机。随身带、随身拍的做照片札记。而这一次买了数码相机,又再次燃烧起拍照的热诚!这一 “慢慢的突然”是“高瞻远瞩,鹏程万里”中的一个新里程碑。

Photo by: Gabriel Lee

Monday 1 October 2012



      接下来的3个月将是我“高瞻远瞩,鹏程万里”, 2010年毕业以来的另一个高峰。

两次的出外讲道、上完辅导学的最后一课,然后参加毕业典礼、开始筹备20135月尾的第4届特殊宝贝亲子营会、开始筹备201310月中的Setapak Youth Network (SYN) 文良港青年联络网300人的聚会、15天的以色列圣地之旅、欢庆中文堂12周年庆典、圣诞节特别服事……
