Tuesday 10 December 2013



昨晚的交通堵塞可以大大影响我的心情,但是我还算镇定。抵达之前我因错过了转进F Hotel的进口而把车开到进入要去KLCChighway进口。那时,我慌张起来,若是继续驾驶,我真是可以去“荷兰”了。所以我按了紧急灯,把心一狠,决定reverse driving。女人真是什么都敢做,很危险、很刺激也很狼狈的把车倒退到hotel. 原本计划6点钟抵达Hotel享受晚餐,可是到达的时候已经是7.30,敬拜赞美开始了!不过还好,大会讲员比我更严重迟到,他 8点才到!哈哈,他来之前我还有半个小时跟一些人聊天。



Monday 8 July 2013



雷德雀博士在昨天新海峡时报畅谈有关生活在互联网和社交媒体时代的家长们需如何赶上而不是停留在“老派”的育儿法('Old style' parenting)。在科技发达的时代,单靠以往一套限制孩子们使用互联网和社交媒体是不足够的。



Monday 6 May 2013

改变始于自己 UBAH bermula dari saya





亲爱的朋友们,同样地,我们对更好的马来西亚的热忱醒觉是需要传递。改变始于自己 (UBAH bermula dari saya),身为公民的你和我,让我们团结一心,继续为更好的改变献上一份绵力!

Sunday 5 May 2013

五月五 我的生日愿望



目前的政治局势是弥漫着宗族主义与宗教歧视。我的愿望是,执政者能尊重与实行立国时宣称的国家原则(Rukun Negara),即是让国民有信奉上苍的自由、各族忠于君国、执政者维护宪法、让正义建立在法治的基础上,在法律面前人人平等与培养全民有素雅的德行。



May 5th My Birthday Wish

May 5th used to be a day which I celebrate with people who love me. But this year it coincides with our nation's 13th General Election. Suddenly I feel my birthday is celebrated with the whole nation. Since it is such a historical birthday, I would like to share my historical birthday wish with you.

This 0505 is a political awareness declaration day. The future of our nation will be very much in control by the winning party. Therefore my wish is to let those who have been through suffering to have the ruling power, because I believe that the suffering that they have experienced will make them humble and sensitive to the needs of the people. They are more likely to be honest, clean and transparent.

There is racism and religious discrimination in the current situation. I wish that the incoming government will respect and uphold our Rukun Negara principles, which are Belief in God, Loyalty to King and Country, Supremacy of the Constitution, Rule of Law and Courtesy and Morality.

Lastly, as a mother and a mother of a son with special needs, I wish the government will give our children a friendly, healthy and safe environment to grow. Let them have an equal opportunity of resources and education. For children with special needs, I wish the government will design and implement a special education plan that meets their individual learning needs and give them equal learning time and opportunity. I also wish the social concern department will create more awareness campaign to promote love and acceptance both to the special children and their families.

Phew, this is my first time writing such magnanimous birthday wish. I am fully aware that this is not my wish alone. To accomplish all these, we need your precious vote. Let us pray toward a same goal and wish for a better Malaysia. Amen.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Why is he so arrogant?

A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled:
“Why did U take all this time to come? Don’t U know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t U have any sense of responsibility?”

The doctor smiled & said:
“I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”

“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would U calm down? If your own son dies now what will U do??” said the father angrily

The doctor smiled again & replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Book “From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”. Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace”

“Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
“Thank goodness!, your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running. “If U have any question, ask the nurse!!”

“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”

Moral-Never judge anyone….. because U never know how their life is & what they’re going through”

Monday 29 April 2013

The whisper of our hearts

The Lord knows... and He is with us.

Yesterday when Vincent, Andrew and I were looking at the menu outside this restaurant, I wanted so much to taste this Chinese cuisine. But the two western taste buds guys were not keen at all. So we have to move on. I told them, I am going to have someone to bring me here to enjoy the food soon.

This morning, Phoebe called to say that we are going to meet in this place. Wow! This is how we are connected in the Lord. The Lord knows us and He is with us ... no wonder the fellowship is so sweet. Thanks to Yu Chiet and Phoebe for the wonderful lunch and fellowship. The Lord has heard us and so do we have heard one another.

Thursday 28 February 2013

N 年的回忆

During our youth days, 5 of us went on a short mission trip, visiting a few churches and para organization in Selangor and Perak. The people whom we visited were blessed and needless to mention that it left a long lasting impact in our walk in Christ. 3 of ended up serving the Lord full-time and the other 2 were faithful members in the church.

Years later, when I was looking for a school for Victor, I remembered a wonderful place we stopped by during the meaningful trip. The place that left a great impact on my memory is Bethany Home. The application for Victor to study in Bethany Home was successful and he has been there for the last 9 years.
Little do I know that this mission trip during my young and adventurous days has brought lasting memories, strength to my faith and connected my family to a wonderful place for Victor. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday 5 February 2013



今早的出殡仪式设定在10点,所以说好930分就开始聚合。昨晚也跟诗琴与莉珊约好9点在教会会面然后一起过去吉英姐妹的家。昨晚在追思礼,触动心情的时刻很多,回到家后,迟迟都不能入睡。经验谈,明天大可能会有身体不适的状况出现。通常在6点多,Andrew Vincent 起身时,我都醒过来。但是昨晚,不敢轻心,自己调好8点的闹钟避免有误。


我一直在想,为何没听到Andrew Vincent起床、出门的声音?为何8点钟的闹钟响我一点感觉都没有?不会是没响吧!自己能沉睡到这么“聋”的情况实在是少之又少。


Photo by: Christie Kok @ New Zealand

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Challenged the nOrm

In 1986 a football team that lived on a little island in the south of Thailand called "Koh Panyee". It's a floating village in the middle of the sea that has not an inch of soil. The kids here loved to watch football but had nowhere to play or practice. But they didn't let that stop them. They challenged the norm and have become a great inspiration for new generations on the island.

TMB bank have launched a new brand vision "Make THE Difference" 
by making a film to inspire people to start thinking differently. 
With a hope that they will start to Make THE Difference to their own world. 
It doesn't have to be big, but a little can create positive changes.

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

here's a grief that can't be spoken. there's a pain goes on and on
Empty chairs at empty tables, now my friends are dead and gone.

10th Anniversary October 1995 at the Royal Albert Hall Version.

Grief is the silent, knife-like terror and sadness that comes a hundred times a day, when you start to speak to someone who is no longer there. (Edgar Jackson)
Charles Swindoll, Growing Strong, p. 171.

Monday 7 January 2013


2013年初,在观摩一次的真实辅导后,发现要当专业辅导员是必须谨慎遵守辅导学的原则。这跟一般的教牧辅导运作方式有不同之处。今天在上雷博士的辅导原理课时,跟同侪在讨论有关助人的风格时,理出了一个“要当辅导员,但又不愿意放下牧者心肠”的新标杆 - “不超越辅导的界限,不减少牧者的关怀”