Saturday, 31 March 2012
2011 营会心得
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Hello Kitty
Information taken from "Hello Kitty Sweet, Happy, Fun Book!: A Sneak Peek Into Her Supercute World".
A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little Old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.
For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000.
He asked her about the contents. 'When we were to be married,' she said, ' my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.' The little old man was so moved; he had to
fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box.
She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost
burst with happiness. 'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?' 'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
As I was preparing a Via Dolorosa devotion which climax to April 8th
Easter service in Chinese Church and in the midst of preparing lectures for BCM's classes in the coming term to teach on Life of Christ, I was hinking
about the Holy Land again. It was an unspoken desire; it will be nice if I can step in the Land again and refresh my memory and feel the life of Christ on earth again.
My last visit to the Holy Land was about 15-16 years ago (before Andrew was born), which not only left me with cognitive knowledge about the Land but also a special encounter which brought my heart closer to our Lord. So …that visit has a 珍贵的角落 (a special corner) in my heart.
During Sunday service, I plan to bring everyone to experience Via Dolorosa by circling the hall as i lead the devotion for each station. I told the church, since we can’t do this in the Holy Land, let us do it here. Someone in the group appreciate what I was doing because she said it is now very costly to visit the Holy Land. It was a good experience on Sunday even though there are rooms for improvement on the devotional write up.
I ended the service by listening to a song and as we all move out to have our breakfast, at the doorway, someone walk up to me, passing me a bottle of olive oil from Jerusalem and a broacher in his hand saying: “If you are able to make it this November, I would like to pay for your study tour to Israel.” I was not sure what I heard so I ask again, “You are talking about me going to Jerusalem? Are you serious? Oh! I want to cry now!...” I was pleasantly surprised by the offer. It is KAIROS!
Last Saturday, as I was laying on bed .... thinking about a project; a Via Dolorosa devotion study publication for 2013 Easter. I am thinking about ways to enhance both the knowledge and the experience part of the project. I believe the less than 20 pages Via Dolorosa devotion study project will bless many Chinese speaking Christian.
Now I am going to the Holy Land in November, wow! I will be ON TIME to bring back some jewels for the project. It is KAIROS!
As usual, many worries and concerns arises within seconds. The main one is, if I go, means I am going miss the final subject for Dip. in Counseling again!! The course will only be conducted in November this year and i need this final subject for graduation. (I missed this last subject 2 years ago due to working on Key Magazine for BCM). Secondly, how about Victor, I think it is going to be school holiday too (9th Nov onward).
Never the less, the conviction to go was strong and intense. I walked back to main hall, and tell the kind sponsor that, “Thank you for the offer. I WILL GO!”
Yesterday, came back from class, I found my sponsor for the trip already drop the application form in my inbox... saying: I believe our father God wants to bless you for this trip. Thank Him to fulfill your heart desire. It is a wonderful invitation by the Lord and my sponsor. God knows the desire of my heart!
2012 Apirl 19th
Miraculously, the date for the subject I have to attend was re-scheduled twice, and finally it falls on 25-26 Oct, 29-31(1pm) Oct. Another Kairos!
2012 July 27th
Flying on 31(10.20pm) Oct!! (the same i finish my class) RJ181 31OCT KUL/AMM 2220 0515 - flight via BKK. Back on 16th Nov.
2012 August 25th
Victor is attending 32nd Handicamp of Bethany Home from 16-19 November. Bethany is trying to arrange for Victor to stay with one of the teacher from 10th to 15th Nov, means he don't come home until i am back fr the trip :-)
2012 September 2nd
Andrew has signed up for SU camp - 12th to 17th Nov.
图片来源: PicSpeed HDWallpapers
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
3)晚上,心血来潮,要把面子书的Cover Picture更新。刚好万杰在旁做功课。他教我如何下载面子书的封面图片。挑了一阵子,终于感觉跟“SPRING”这个画面有共鸣。今早,一打开面子书,就看到John Tracy Clinic 的update如此写:Spring is officially here at JTC!...
4)刚刚在阅读有关“基督生平”的书籍。可以感到圣灵顺序的带领我把一些参考书拿出来做对比。手上一本自己非常喜爱的Robert H Stein的英文书是主要的参考书。当我翻到《读经的艺术》页155时,竟然看到“斯坦因”,Stein 的中文译名。
他在告诉我 – 前进吧!我与你同在。
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
“I cannot rejoice over the fact that Victor is deaf, but neither am I feeling bitter about it. I believed in the God that I served. There must be a purpose behind this. It could be that God is trying to enlarge our love to minister to the unfortunate one or preparing us to understand and stand beside certain people that may come on our way. ”
Sharon Chelvi Moorthy: Beautifullysaid, Bee Leng! So blessed & inspired by your journey of grace and God's faithfulness... everything in His perfect time & plan! Hugs! :)
Cindy Chow: *hugs*
Siow May Wong: **so touch**.... ^^
Carrie Chua: Well Done sister. JIA YOU!
Kala Vathy: Nobody can say it with more truth than a mother who has walked the path…U are a good role model to others. Keep sharing your stories for others who are yet to walk down the path…God Bless You. Hugs to Victor..
Mui Ing: His purpose is getting clearer as time go by. I believe God has given you the extra grace to embrace Victor and his journey. Love you and hug hug
Peter N Christine Chong: We have seen how faithfully you have served Him and you are an inspiration to us and to others. May God continue to shine His light upon you and your family.
Hats off to you Ps Bee Ling as you march forward to fulfill God's purpose in your life.
Tan Poh Kian: so encouraged by your words and life as a mum. May we keep up the good faith that only found in Him!
Ailin Loh: a testimony of love and grace. proud of you & victor...
John Lu: God makes us special to do special things. Great are the special parents and greater are the special children.
Sophia Voon: So proud of you. U r such an angel.
Andrew Lim: Thank you Ps Bee Leng for your faithfulness in serving the Lord. Indeed, your love toward your family not just has inspired us, but also a living testimony of God's love. Thank you,
Daniel Kok: there are some things which we cannot explain.
Eunice Lawrence: Sometimes, we do not understand why God allow us to go through some things in life. At the end of it there is always a purpose that He already plan and it is always a
beautiful plan. U are truly a blessing to many.
Alum Bcm: You are GREAT b'cos of our GREAT GOD...His grace is sufficient for you for HIS GLORY...Indeed, your life and your family have given Glory to HIM...Keep sharing for many will be encouraged as I am encouraged! Keep going : )
Esther Mah: We love you, Pastor Bee Leng!
Jonathan Tan Lee Seng: TQ for sharing your journey of grace! I can only say with the comfort that you've found, you are now able to comfort others that require comfort. II Cor. 1:4
Like: Angela, Irene Chong, Trix, Vivien, Ailin, Judith, Raondong, Mariah, Kayle, Mui Ing, Cindy, May, 立文, Eileen, Sam Oon, Siow May, Poh Kian, Andrew Lim, Jonathan Tan, Samuel Tan, Avis, Jennie, Siang Hwa, Ken Liew, Andrew Cheah, Kala, Sean, How Hing, KayRen, Esther, Connie, Mish Nikohl, Katherin, Catherine, Vivien Chong, Lee Hui, Sharon Chelvi, Eunice, Joyce Wong, Joan Seetho, AnthonyTong, Michelle Tan, Stella, Pin Yuen
Saturday, 17 March 2012
因为我是你的妻子,我不愿过一天没有你的生活。如果在 年老时,有子孙陪伴你,那我就自私点,让我先走吧!
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Thursday, 8 March 2012
图片摘自:Tibet valley, China
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
每一个外在的行为背后也隐藏着一些内在的心理动机。萨提亚模式(The Satir Model)的冰山伦理告知,水平面之下隐藏着的价值观有感受、观点、期待、渴望与自我。
图片来源: PicSpeed HDWallpapers
Friday, 2 March 2012
From the Book
by feeling.
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
图片来源: PicSpeed HDWallpapers.
Let everyone be serious in reading the Book ... like her!