“I cannot rejoice over the fact that Victor is deaf, but neither am I feeling bitter about it. I believed in the God that I served. There must be a purpose behind this. It could be that God is trying to enlarge our love to minister to the unfortunate one or preparing us to understand and stand beside certain people that may come on our way. ”
This was my journal on Oct 9th 1993; 6 months after Victor was born. After 18 years, I was given the opportunity to share my special journey of grace with a special group of parents. The culmination of years of preparation is finally put forth to bless others. Thanks to the God that I served!
Sharon Chelvi Moorthy: Beautifullysaid, Bee Leng! So blessed & inspired by your journey of grace and God's faithfulness... everything in His perfect time & plan! Hugs! :)
Cindy Chow: *hugs*
Siow May Wong: **so touch**.... ^^
Carrie Chua: Well Done sister. JIA YOU!
Kala Vathy: Nobody can say it with more truth than a mother who has walked the path…U are a good role model to others. Keep sharing your stories for others who are yet to walk down the path…God Bless You. Hugs to Victor..
Mui Ing: His purpose is getting clearer as time go by. I believe God has given you the extra grace to embrace Victor and his journey. Love you and hug hug
Peter N Christine Chong: We have seen how faithfully you have served Him and you are an inspiration to us and to others. May God continue to shine His light upon you and your family.
Hats off to you Ps Bee Ling as you march forward to fulfill God's purpose in your life.
Tan Poh Kian: so encouraged by your words and life as a mum. May we keep up the good faith that only found in Him!
Ailin Loh: a testimony of love and grace. proud of you & victor...
John Lu: God makes us special to do special things. Great are the special parents and greater are the special children.
Sophia Voon: So proud of you. U r such an angel.
Andrew Lim: Thank you Ps Bee Leng for your faithfulness in serving the Lord. Indeed, your love toward your family not just has inspired us, but also a living testimony of God's love. Thank you,
Daniel Kok: there are some things which we cannot explain.
Eunice Lawrence: Sometimes, we do not understand why God allow us to go through some things in life. At the end of it there is always a purpose that He already plan and it is always a
beautiful plan. U are truly a blessing to many.
Alum Bcm: You are GREAT b'cos of our GREAT GOD...His grace is sufficient for you for HIS GLORY...Indeed, your life and your family have given Glory to HIM...Keep sharing for many will be encouraged as I am encouraged! Keep going : )
Esther Mah: We love you, Pastor Bee Leng!
Jonathan Tan Lee Seng: TQ for sharing your journey of grace! I can only say with the comfort that you've found, you are now able to comfort others that require comfort. II Cor. 1:4
Like: Angela, Irene Chong, Trix, Vivien, Ailin, Judith, Raondong, Mariah, Kayle, Mui Ing, Cindy, May, 立文, Eileen, Sam Oon, Siow May, Poh Kian, Andrew Lim, Jonathan Tan, Samuel Tan, Avis, Jennie, Siang Hwa, Ken Liew, Andrew Cheah, Kala, Sean, How Hing, KayRen, Esther, Connie, Mish Nikohl, Katherin, Catherine, Vivien Chong, Lee Hui, Sharon Chelvi, Eunice, Joyce Wong, Joan Seetho, AnthonyTong, Michelle Tan, Stella, Pin Yuen
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